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How Much Cardio To Do After Weights

Cardio and Weightlifting: When is the Optimal Time?

The Importance of Timing

Whether you should perform cardio before or after lifting weights hinges on your fitness goals. Both approaches offer unique benefits, and the choice depends on your specific objectives.

Benefits of Cardio Before Lifting

Performing cardio before lifting weights can enhance warm-up and fat oxidation. The cardiovascular activity increases blood flow to muscles, priming them for weightlifting. This improved circulation also promotes the breakdown of stored fat, enhancing overall energy levels.

Benefits of Cardio After Lifting

On the other hand, performing cardio after lifting weights can facilitate recovery and muscle growth. The cardiovascular activity helps remove waste products, including lactic acid, that accumulate during weightlifting. This reduces muscle soreness and speeds up recovery. Additionally, cardio stimulates the release of hormones that promote muscle growth.

Consider Your Goals

The optimal timing varies based on your goals: * Weight Loss: If your primary goal is weight loss, performing cardio before lifting weights may be more beneficial. This allows you to burn calories during both cardio and weightlifting, maximizing energy expenditure. * Muscle Growth: For individuals focused on building muscle, performing cardio after lifting weights is recommended. This ensures that your muscles have sufficient energy for weightlifting and that recovery and growth are prioritized. * General Fitness: If your overall fitness is the objective, both approaches have merits. Cardio before lifting improves warm-up and energy levels, while cardio after lifting promotes recovery and muscle growth.

Recommendation for Beginners

For beginners, it is generally advisable to perform cardio after lifting weights. This allows them to focus on proper weightlifting form and technique without the added fatigue from prior cardio.


The optimal timing of cardio and weightlifting depends on your specific fitness goals. By considering the benefits of each approach and aligning it with your objectives, you can maximize the effectiveness of your exercise regimen.
